oceanus prometheus bound. TIME. oceanus prometheus bound

 TIMEoceanus prometheus bound  Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir

—A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. With their assistance, Zeus and his siblings overthrow Cronus and his forces and cast them into the. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Next section Lines 128–284. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Even threatening. SCENE. Prometheus is portrayed as a rebellious and proud god despite his humiliating punishment at the hands of Zeus's underlings, Strength and Violence. Uranus, the heavens, and Gaia, the earth, had given birth to this older generation of gods. The characters are strongly delineated (Hephaistos, Prometheus, Oceanus, the First Daughter, Io and Hermes) and, while no action takes place on stage, the monologues are harrowing enough in the tales they recount, and the finale when the Titan is hurled down into. SCENE. Prometheus also proves his friendship to Io as he tells her, at her request, of her. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Although experts in the classical tradition look down upon Prometheus Bound as an inadequate tragedy (see Anthony Yu’s aforementioned comments), it retains many admirable qualities. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Oceanus has a place in the hierarchy as he can choose to follow Zeus or not, and in not following Zeus it will only cause Oceanus to end up in the same situation as Prometheus. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. As, for instance, that Zeus desired to remove Prometheus from the sympathetic companionship of Oceanus and his daughters! 2 do not urge the consideration that Prometheus was represented by a dummy in the first play and by a live man in the second, because there are still some who doubt the use of a lay-figure in the Prometheus. Prometheus demonstrates the value of thought and knowledge in progress as well as in the opposition and temperance of tyrannical power. —Mythical. He is a rare example of a Greek tragic hero whose faults, such as excessive pride and stubbornness, ennoble. [4] His brothers were Prometheus, Menoetius, and Atlas, but also, according to some traditions, Anchiale, [5] Buphagus, [6] and Dryas. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. 1. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Of the 76 plays he is known to have written. "And Styx the daughter of Okeanos (Oceanus) was joined to Pallas and bare Zelos (Emulation) and trim-ankled Nike (Victory) in the house. Prometheus Bound is an ancient Greek play usually attributed to Aeschylus. Heracles will shoot him with an arrow. Aeschylus. He keeps needling Prometheus to let him, Oceanus, be Prometheus's "adviser" and tells him "keep quiet and don't speak too impetuously" (317-329), as though speaking impetuously isn't Prometheus's business. Oceanus enters and decries the abuse of the brother Titan. The play Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus is largely a series of speeches surrounding the Titan, Prometheus, who has defied the gods by giving humans fire. He gave mankind a number of gifts including fire. Prometheus demonstrates the value of thought and knowledge in progress as well as in the opposition and temperance of tyrannical power. Aeschylus. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. HEPHAESTUS: divine son of Zeus, the artisan god. The passage is too long to quote, but basically. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Zeus is Prometheus Bound's Big Bad. SCENE. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Oceanus: In Greek myth (but not reported by Aeschylus) he is the grandfather of Prometheus 309: Oceanus urges Prometheus to “come to know yourself” (γίγνωσκε σαυτόν, 309) echoes the maxim inscribed at Delphi (Paus. Aeschylus. The children of the Titan Oceanus and Tethys; there are the countless nymphs of the rivers and streams of the earth; their name means "the daughters of Ocean. Prometheus cryptically tells them that he knows of a potential marriage that would lead to Zeus's downfall. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. —Mythical. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Prometheus says he has foreseen that one day Zeus will need his help. It is based on the myth of Prometheus, the Titan who was punished by the god. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Rhys Green is a bit broad in the dual roles of Oceanus and Hermes and Bianca Chapman is good as Io and Hephaestus. C. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. [7] Some sources, however, made Epimetheus the son of Prometheus and Clymene. And know that for thy grief my heart is sore; The bond of kind, methinks, constraineth me; Nor is there any I would honour more, Apart from kinship, than I reverence thee. The dialogue contains a sustained stichomythia between Prometheus and Oceanus, and also a unique series of quatrains sung by the chorus. MOROS was the personified spirit (daimon) of doom--the force which drove man towards his fated death. Prometheus was the son of Iapetus. Their children were dangerous sea-monsters--the sailor-devouring Scylla, the sea-serpent Ladon, the she-dragon Echidna, the one-eyed Graeae, and the petrifying Gorgons. Prometheus and Oceanus discuss Zeus’ cruelty. Oceanus is the god of… wait for it… the Ocean. Staging assistants: Catarina Rodrigues - Ricardo Acácio. ) : "[The Titan Prometheus calls upon the cosmos to witness his torment :] ‘O you bright sky of heaven (dios aithêr), you swift-winged breezes (takhypteroi pnoiai), you river-waters (pêgai potamôn), and infinite laughter of the waves. When the play opens, we see the result of this situation: Prometheus is chained up to a rock. Prometheus Bound Debut: 2 May, 2016. Prometheus renders his lament, but unrepentantly, until a chorus of Oceanids (daughters of Oceanus) hang out with him. C. Check out. SCENE. ― Aeschylus, quote from Prometheus Bound. [there] for men's refreshment Okeanos (Oceanus) sends out continually the high-singing breezes of the west (aetai zephyroio). Aeschylus' 'Prometheus Bound': A Literary Commentary 1 Aeschylus and Athens (2nd edn, London 1946) 322, (Toronto 1980) 120-37; cf. Oceanus tries to comfort Prometheus after he has been punished by Zeus and urges his stubborn nephew not to resist the authority of the Olympians. Seven Against Thebes, 3. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. But Prometheus's mission is to defy Zeus, so Oceanus is just something trying to tempt him away. Seven Against Thebes, 3. STRENGTH. TIME. TIME. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Departures from. TIME. Prometheus Bound. SCENE. Prometheus Bound. TIME. M. Comfortable in his service to Zeus, Oceanus believes that one should not rock the boat but simply obey. TIME. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. While the winged chariot of the OCEANIDES comes to ground their father OCEANUS enters, riding on a monster. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. The Bosporus. In order to reach the Underworld it is necessary to cross this river:Prometheus exhibits both friendship and pity, as we see in his conversations with the Chorus and Oceanus. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. ) : "[Prometheus] lofty-minded son of Themis who counsels. It is the statue of Oceanus that made the fountain an iconic landmark. 2 Prometheus describes to the Chorus why he has been punished. The play tells the story of Prometheus, a Titan who defied Zeus, the king of the gods, and was subsequently punished for his actions. In the play Prometheus Bound by Aiskhylos (Aeschylus), the Titan Okeanos (Oceanus) appears on the scene as a sympathetic fellow-Titan. The threat from above is particularly sharp for Prometheus in contrast to his own position. FORCE: divine agent of Zeus. TIME. She was the wife of Oceanus, the earth-encircling, fresh-water stream, and the mother of the Potamoi (Rivers), the Oceanids (nymphs of springs, streams and fountains), and the Nephelae (Clouds). Prometheus also proves his friendship to Io as he tells her, at her request, of her. OCEANUS & THE CHAINING OF PROMETHEUS Tethys and Oceanus, Greco-Roman mosaic from Daphne C4th A. Who binds Prometheus? Strength and Violence (kids of the River Styx) have Hephaethus (son of Hera by herself) bind him by chain to a rock. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter. Titans Atlas and Prometheus, Laconian black-figure amphora C6th B. OCEANUS, PROMETHEUS, CHORUS. 92–94) with disapproval from the letter of a ‘friend’ who believes that the Prometheus Bound represents only a phase of the struggle among the gods, and that in the sequel the tyranny disappeared; Zeus. They are accompanied by Hephaistos. Next in Proмetheus Bound, the girls’ father, Oceanus, coмes to offer his pity and his aid, suggesting that he plead Ƅefore Zeus for мercy. In the Iliad, Book XIV, Oceanus is identified once as the begetter of the gods and once as the begetter of all things; although the comments were isolated, they were. FRAGMENTS 1 - 56. It is Prometheus's compassion for humans that has resulted in the torment the. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. OCEANUS [309] I see, Prometheus; and I want to give you the best advice, although you yourself are wily. TIME. The Oceanids, daughters of Oceanus, enter on winged chariots. Hermes is the messenger god, but according to Prometheus he's nothing but a glorified servant. To the Greeks, this is pretty much the end of the earth. Heracles liberates the Titan Prometheus. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. TIME. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Herodotus also related a Lydian tradition "that Asia was not named after Prometheus' wife Asia, but after Asies, the son of Cotys, who was the son of Manes, and that from him the Asiad clan at Sardis also takes its name". In case you forgot, this play is called Prometheus Bound—not Prometheus Skipping Merrily Along and Doing Jumping Jacks. She even calls herself "mad" with fear" (567), and describes herself as arriving with "undignified leaps and bounds," "rushing wildly," and "torment [ed] out of [her] mind" (600-01, 580). POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. In all accounts, Prometheus is known as the protector and benifactor of man. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Character description, analysis and casting breakdown for Oceanus from Prometheus Bound. The Chorus Character Analysis. Four figures walk. 3) Io. Go to top. Of oceanic waves—all-fost'ring earth, And, all-beholding sun, on thee I call, Behold me, what I bear—a god, from gods. Prometheus is discovered bound to the Precipice. And thou, O seed of Inachaean loins, Weigh well my words, that thou may'st understand Thy journey's end. Clymene is the daughter of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. The setting of Scythia is important because it is relatively desolate. (It was really just the Atlantic—maybe. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. A: Aeschylus? Pf: c. C. SCENE. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. A summary of Lines 907–1093 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Search all of SparkNotes Search. 99. SCENE. This translation was done by G. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. In art Oceanus was a common subject; he appears on the François Vase ( see Kleitias ), the Gigantomachy of the altar at Pergamum, and numerous Roman sarcophagi. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Aeschylus. —Mythical. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 18 ff (trans. In other words, Prometheus is a rebel—a classic, old-fashioned, speaking-truth-to-power rebel. —Mythical. Prometheus is punished by Zeus for giving fire to humanity. [In a remote mountainous region of Scythia. Unlike Oceanus and Hephaestus, Zeus's. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Summary Aeschylus. C. Complete List of Characters in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Prometheus tells Oceanus, "You be careful yourself. We are come to the far-bounding plain of. SCENE. 466–459bc Tr: 1777 G: Greek trag. PROMETHEUS Your former wish I lightly granted ye: And ye have heard, even as ye desired, From this maid's lips the story of her sorrow. Prometheus Bound is an Ancient Greek tragedy. POWER: divine agent of Zeus. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. SCENE. 2) 776 B. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Hermes visits Prometheus on Zeus’s behalf while Prometheus is bound to the mountain, and he tells him that his suffering will increase by a “threefold tidal… read analysis of Hermes. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. The Titans were defeated in a battle with Zeus, who fought against his own father, Cronos, imprisoned him deep in the earth, and became the new ruling power in heaven. Oceanus on the other hand was a Titan god along. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης ( Promētheus Desmōtēs, Latin: Prometheus vinctus ), called Prometheus Bound or Prometheus in Chains, is a play by Aeschylus. Eventually, he entertains the Zeus-beloved and Hera-stalked Io (McNiven), the Polonius-like Oceanus (Bartenieff), the insolent Hermes (Dixon), and a babbling chorus (Therese Barbato, Autumn. Melissa Hamilton, Vanessa B. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 1 ff (trans. SCENE. The Persians, 2. The sculpture in 2013. Aeschylus. In knowingly choosing rebellion, Prometheus set the stage, defining a choice of opposing tyranny and unjust laws, starting the march down the long path towards equality under the law. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. SCENE. A chorus of Oceanids appear and attempt to comfort Prometheus by conversing with him. They would at any rate belong to those which have been lost from this part of the description of Io's wanderings. E Translated by G. In Prometheus's words, humanity advances from dire need and fear of nature to a deeper understanding, advancement in survival, art, divination, and finally mining, which symbolizes the progress of civilization in the consecutive discovery and use of bronze, iron, silver, and finally gold. IO: daughter of Inachus. AESCHYLUS was a Greek tragedian who flourished in Athens in the early C5th B. The Oceanids appear and attempt to comfort Prometheus by conversing with him. Among the most famous of these are the play Prometheus Bound, traditionally attributed to Aeschylus (525-456 B. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. SCENE. Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus. Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus translated by Henry D. At least Hephaestus and. Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, has Oceanus free to visit his nephew Prometheus sometime after the war. Chorus (daughters of Oceanus) Io. SCENE. He’s defiant, loud, and proud. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Kratos exists within the play to exact Zeus’s punishment. Gaia was the great mother of all creation--the heavenly gods were descended from her through her union with Ouranos (Uranus) (Sky),. Prometheus Bound Plot Diagram. Oceanus departs saying that he has no need to “shout” at him. SCENE. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. He first introduces pity and friendship into the tragedy while chiding Zeus's servants for their insensitivity. Since Oceanus does not know the future as Prometheus does, it. C. Prometheus aided Zeus against his fellow Titans only to be punished for giving fire to human beings. Hermes. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Prometheus Bound and what it means. Prometheus' wife was sometimes named Asia. Prometheus might understand Oceanus, but, in Oceanus's mind, Prometheus's words clearly do not compute. Zeus is Prometheus Bound 's Big Bad. C. Prometheus Bound. For his sophomore appearance at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, director Aris Biniaris continues his research on ancient tragedy with a new production of Prometheus Bound. TIME. CHORUS: daughters of Oceanus. Before the gods of Olympus took power, the universe was ruled by the Titans. Kegan Paul [1881] Dramatis Personae KRATOS BIA HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF THE OCEANIDES OCEANUS IO Mountainous country, and in the middle of a deep gorge a Rock, towards which KRATOS and BIA carry the gigantic. ”. Aeschylus. Oceanus, the Titan father of the Oceanids, commiserates with Prometheus and urges him to make peace with Zeus. ". Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Prometheus Bound. [In a remote mountainous region of Scythia. Summary. And thou, O seed of Inachaean loins, Weigh well my words, that thou may'st understand Thy journey's end. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Prometheus also proves his friendship to Io as he tells her, at her request, of her. Clarendon Press, 1907 - Prometheus (Greek deity) - 53 pages. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Poseidon is an Olympian god and together with his sibling he overthrew the Titan gods and ended the reign of their father Cronus. It was the source of all of the earth's fresh-water--from the rivers and springs. Later, Oceanus visits Prometheus and while he too is sorry to find him in his current predicament Oceanus remarks “but this is what you pay, Prometheus, for / that tongue of yours which talked so high and haughty: / you are not yet humble, still you do not yield / to your misfortunes” (320-23). In antiquity, it was attributed to Aeschylus, but is now considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, and perhaps one as late as c. (And no lighting bolts. He warns Oceanus to stay away from him so that he will not also incur Zeus's wrath. The painting which was completed in 1618 though started in 1611 is based on a character, the Titan Prometheus, in one of the Greek myths. Io, who has troubles of her own with Zeus, wants her fortune told. Okeanos Character Analysis. Kratos (Might) Character Analysis. He may be too arrogant for his own good. Aeschylus. Also she brought forth Kratos (Cratus, Strength) and Bia (Force), wonderful children. Produced at an unknown date, probably after Aeschylus’ death but certainly no later than 430 bc (see Introduction), together with Prometheus Unbound (which directly followed it); the other plays in the production cannot be identified. A summary of Lines 907–1093 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. SCENE. Hephaestus is tasked with chaining Prometheus on steep mountain rocks. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Two seriously evil dudes—the gods of Power and Violence—are leading a prisoner: Prometheus. Prometheus Bound. Prometheus Bound. Among the most famous of these are the play Prometheus Bound, traditionally attributed to Aeschylus (525-456 B. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. TIME. SCENE. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. 415 BC. Prometheus Bound. He helped human beings, but this was useless. —Mythical. HERMES. Oceanus is featured in the Greek tragedy Prometheus Bound, believed to have been written by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus (c. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. TIME. Of his many plays, seven still remain. Prometheus. Oceanus is so nice because “when he is pressured to be mean, he makes an excuse to get out and does not like to offend anyone in anyway” ("Oceanus in Prometheus Bound"). 525 to c. Sometime after the war, Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, has Oceanus visit his nephew the enchained Prometheus, who is being punished by Zeus for his theft of fire. , Virginia Museum of Fine Arts GAIA (Gaea) was the goddess of the earth. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Greek cosmology describes three generations of gods, (1) Heaven (Earth and Sky) and the Titans, (2) Kronos, and (3) Zeus and his Olympian hierarchy. 10. SCENE. Prometheus, I am gazing on thee now! With the cold breath of fear upon my brow, Not without mist of dimming tears, While to my sight thy giant stature rears. TIME. Themis was sometimes described as the mother of the Titan Prometheus. It's also barbarous. Zeus's messenger Hermes enters and orders Prometheus to reveal the identity of this son's mother. [1] Despite these doubts of authorship, the play's designation as. PROMETHEUS BOUND. Oceanus’ daughters, the Oceanids, lament the hero’s torment. . Prometheus says he appreciates the effort but declines. 2 His name signifies "forethought," as. Hephaestus, Eileithyia, Tethys and Oceanus, Athenian black-figure dinos C6th B. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. CHORUS OF SEA-NYMPHS. OCEA ⁠. Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Prometheus Bound. C. This ancient drama tells the story of Prometheus's punishment at the hands of a wrathful Zeus. That this group of young women outright rebukes and. SCENE. Despite his isolation Prometheus is visited by the ancient god Oceanus,. He relates his take on the war between the Titans and Olympians, and then begins to explain his role in the lot of. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Scene. A summary of Lines 1–127 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. 2 Prometheus describes to the Chorus why he has been punished. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. At least Hephaestus and Hermes are. Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus Translated by Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead London, C. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Art Analysis: Prometheus Bound. SCENE. Prometheus Bound ( Ancient Greek: Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης, Promētheus Desmōtēs) is an Ancient Greek tragedy. Oceanus enters and decries the abuse of the brother Titan. TIME. AESCHYLUS, PROMETHEUS BOUND. Prometheus Bound, Aeschylus. Back More. They tell Prometheus that. 16. Prometheus Bound and the Oceanids (German: Prometheus, beklagt von den Okeaniden) is an 1879 marble sculpture by German sculptor Eduard Müller, located at Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin, Germany. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Zeus ’s servant and the personification of Zeus’s will. describe Zeus and Io relates Zeus' rule to slavery in her speech p. At last, Oceanus leapt back on his winged horse and flew away to his home. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. txt) or view presentation slides online. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Oceanus was considered to be a great primordial river that encircled the entire world, and Tethys was a sea goddess. Prometheus Bound [New York and London 1975] trans. “Prometheus Bound” is considered one Aeschylus’ late works. The. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Zeus got angry and bound Prometheus. C.